Tools you will need:
Flat blade screw driver (med)
5/16″, 7/16″, 1/2″ socket or equivalent
1.) There are 2 branch circuit breakers mounted in fuse holders located at
the bottom (closest to floor) of the unit.
Also 1 continuous duty solenoid.
Also 1 continuous duty solenoid.

Bottom view
2.) Should the replacement of the AM060 be necessary, note the position of
the connecting wires.
Remove the two 1/4″ screws from the mounting bracket.
Remove the two 1/2″ nuts and other wire fasteners.
Reassemble in reverse order.
Remove the two 1/4″ screws from the mounting bracket.
Remove the two 1/2″ nuts and other wire fasteners.
Reassemble in reverse order.

Bottom View